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Packaging prototypes


Rigid packaging for cosmetic products were produced from polymer formulations based on PBS.

The biodegradable polymer was amended by fibrous residues from protein extraction of chickpeas. Also polyphenolic extracts from coffee green beans were added as antioxidants.

The jars were molded at industrial scale at partner FTEN.

Tests showed that the jars protected well various sample products (powder, water in oil cream, hard capsules, e.g. vitamins). Stability of the products was as good as in benchmark PET jars.


PROLIFIC Extracts used:

Fibrous residues from chickpea protein extraction by EFAE.


Phenolic-rich fraction extracted from coffee grean beans by SWE


Developed by:  UNIPI, UNIBO

Coffee capsules

Polymers used in the formulation of capsules must preserve quality of coffee powder and must have a proper resistance to high temperatures used during coffee brewing.

We developed PHBV-based formulations doted with phenolic extracts from coffee processing side-streams.

PROLIFIC coffee capsules were compared with benchmarks of compostable capsules based on PLA/PBS polymers. Regarding barrier properties, oxygen and water vapor transmission values of both formulations of PROLIFIC coffee capsules did not differ significantly from the values obtained under the same conditions for benchmark coffee capsules. 




PROLIFIC Extracts used:

Phenolic-rich fraction extracted from coffee grean beans by SWE


Developed by:  UNIPI, UNIBO

Coated films for flexible packaging

Meat products are highly perishable products and may quickly become unfit for consumption and possibly dangerous for human health due to undesirable microbial growth, chemical change and degradation by endogenous enzymes.

A possible approach to extend the safety of the meat products surface could be the use of edible coating, based on chitosan.

Commercial films were coated with a slurry containing 0.8% chitosan extract.

The coated film showed satisfactory barrier properties to oxygen and moisture. It was anti-microbial versus Listeria monocytogenes. These properties are supportive for an improved shelf life of meat products. In our tests, the sausages maintained their sensory profile


PROLIFIC Extracts used:

Chitosan extracted from Agaricus bisporus by hot alkaline extraction.


Developed by:  SSICA, UNIPI


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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 790157.

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