Join PROLIFIC and 100 other BBI JU granted project and BBI JU partners on 4 December 2019 in Brussels for the BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2019.
The second edition of the Stakeholder Forum is a one-day public event that will bring together the bio-based industries community and facilitate open discussion on the impact, achievements and strategic direction of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) programme, as well as the latest developments in the bio-based industries sector. .
As stated above, an exhibition with 100 BBI JU granted projects and key BBI JU partners will be available throughout the event.
The projects exhibition will showcase technologies, processes and products developed by the BBI JU beneficiaries and their concrete added value for the EU citizens' everyday lives. Bringing 100 granted projects together in one venue will allow the participants to network with the project representatives and facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
The participation of key BBI JU partners will allow the participants to get information about relevant EU programmes, complementary funding instruments, regional/national representatives, and other support measures and initiatives working on the advancement of the EU bio-based industries sector.
If you are interested, you can find more information in the BBI JU Stakeholder's Forum official page.
Register now to make sure that you are part of the day as the registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is mandatory and free of charge. The final deadline is 25 November.