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Thank you model2bio and INGREEN for the great session at RRB2022


On our joint session on Thursday 2nd of June 2022, at RRB2022 in Bruges, Belgium, we took our attendees to a journey along different valorisation routes for agro-industrial side-streams.

The experiences from different approaches in the three projects provided an array of specific but also common findings and remaining challenges.

Insights into feedstock microbiome can help to tailor biotechnological processes towards preferential target compound.

Among the challenges identified for up-scaling extraction processes were feedstock Homogeneity, its varying quality and the need to balance process loading with sufficient yield.

We identified potential of the new modelling tool for agri-food residual streams valorisation of model2bio to support authorities in better enforcing utilization routes over waste disposal.

During the bio-based market we show-cased some of the PROLIFIC protypes such as high-protein flakes and pasta or cosmetic jars with chickpea fibres and coffee capsule bodies with polyphenol extracts.

Check the sesssion programme!


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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 790157.

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